型号名称及使用范围 Model descriptions and Use scope
型 号 Model 名 称
Descriptions 使 用 范 围
Scope of application MVV 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆
PVC insulated PVC sheathed power cables for use in mines 矿井中电能传输线路但不能承受机械外力作用
Energy transmission linebut not mechanical impact in mines MYJV 煤矿用交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆
XLPE insulated PVC sheathed power cables for use in mines 矿井中电能传输线路但不能承受机械外力作用
Energy transmission linebut not mechanical impact in mines MVV22 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆
PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cables for use in mines 矿井中电能传输线路能承受一定机械外力
Energy transmission linecan bearing mechanical impact in mines MVV32 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆
PVC insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cables for use in mines 矿井中电能传输线路能承受一定的拉力
Energy transmission linecan bearing some full in mines MYJV22 煤矿用交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆
XLPE insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cables for use in mines 矿井中电能传输线路能承受一定机械外力
Energy transmission linecan bearing mechanical impact in mines MYJV32 煤矿用交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆
XLPE insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cables for use in mines 矿井中电能传输线路能承受一定的拉力
Energy transmission linecan bearing some full in mines MYJV42 煤矿用交联聚乙烯绝缘粗钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆
XLPE insulated coarse steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cables for use in mines 矿井中电能传输线路能承受较大的拉力
Energy transmission linecan bearing bear full in mines
XLPE insulation strength the PVC insulation to be higher than the anti-aging bears merits and so on chemistry corrosion and waterproof performance.
电缆规格 Specifications
型 号
Model 芯 数
Core number 额定电压(KV)
Rated voltage 标称截面 mm
Nominal sectional 主线芯
Master core 中性线芯(第四根芯)
Neutrality core MVV MYJV 3 0.6/1 1.5-185 - MVV22 2.5-185 MYJV22 4-185 MVV32 MYJV32 MYJV42 4-185 MVV MVV22 3+1 0.6/1 4-185 2.5-95 4 4-185
电缆结构示意图 IIIustration of cable structure

使用特性 Service characteristics
Electric cable conductor Max. rated temperature XLPE绝缘90℃, PVC绝缘70℃
XLPE insulation90℃ PVC insulation70℃ 电缆敷设时的环境温度
Cable laying environment temperature ≥0℃ 短路时电缆导体的最高温度(持续时间≤5S)
Short circuit electric cable conductor max. temperature XLPE绝缘≤250℃, PVC绝缘≤160℃
XLPE insulation≤250℃PVC insulation≤160℃ 电缆的最小弯曲半径
Minimun bending radius 为电缆弯曲试验用圆柱直径的2倍
Uses the column diameter for the electric cable bend test 2 times
电缆主要技术性能 Major technical performances
1、 电缆导体直流电阻及绝缘电阻 Cable conductor DC resistance and insulated resistance
型 号
Model 标称截面 (mm
nominal sectional +20℃导体直流电阻(≤Ω/Km)
DC resistance of the conductor at 20℃ +20℃绝缘电阻常数(≥MΩ.Km)
Insulation resistance at 20℃ MVV MVV22
MYJV42 1.5 12.1 36.7 2.5 7.41 4 4.62 6 3.08 10 1.83 16 1.15 25 0.727 35 0.524 50 0.387 70 0.268 95 0.193 120 0.153 150 0.124 185 0.991
2、电缆其它主要技术性能 Other major technical performances
序 号
Serial number 项目 Items 技术性能 Technical performances 1 +20℃时导体直流电阻(≤Ω/Km)
Conductor DC resistance at 20℃ 见上表 See above table 2 +20℃时绝缘电阻的常数(≥MΩ·Km)
Insulation resistance at 20℃ 见上表 See above table 3 5min工频交流电压试验
5min power frequency alternating current pressure test 芯-芯 Core-Core
芯-铠装 Core-Armor 3500V不击穿 3500V no breakdown 4 4h交流高压试验
4h AC high voltage test 2400V不击穿 2400V no breakdown 5 单根垂直燃烧试验
Single wire burning test MT386 6 成束燃烧试验
Group burning test 符合GB/T18380.3标准中B类成束燃烧试验要求
Conforms to GB/T18380.3 standard B kind group burning test